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Favorite Childhood Christmas Memories

Christmas was always a huge holiday in our household. My parents never failed to make our Christmas special for us. I always helped my mom make Christmas desserts and decorate the house. My brother and I would take turns who put the star on top of the tree each year, but as we grew older we lost track. Christmas Eve was always spent with extended family to celebrate Christmas, My Birthday and My Uncles Birthday. We would exchange gifts and have dinner, but really all my brother and I wanted to do was go home and get ready for santa. I remember laying in my bed as a child, anticipating Santa's arrival after my mom read my brother and I "The Night Before Christmas" and we left cookies out for Santa. My brother and I would swear that we heard Santa Clause on the roof and we would stay up all night because we were so excited. The morning of Christmas, my brother was always the right to wake up and I wasn't to far behind him. We would rush downstairs to see all the presents and our stockings and the proceed to wake our parents up so we could start opening presents. I can remember clearly how many presents were around the tree and how excited I was. I remember ripping open presents and not really appreciating some of them as a child. Clothes would always be pushed to the side and toys were always the biggest excitement. My mom would always make the best Christmas morning breakfast after we were done opening our presents, and then it was time to clean up and get ready to celebrate with extended family. I remember comparing presents with all my cousins later that night. I realize now how incredibly lucky I was to receive so many gifts. As we got older, reminiscing on old times became apart of our Christmas celebration. We would play old home videos and make fun of how squeaky our voices were and talk about how weird we were as children (We still do this occasionally). It is amazing how as we get older the holiday traditions and memories change. You don't realize how many memories you are making as you grow and life changes. Writing this blog brought back a lot of memories that I will hold on to forever.

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