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Holiday Workout Schedule & Routine

I know a lot of you may have a busy schedule, especially this time of year. But, I just thought I would share my updated workout schedule! Currently, I do have a full time job (40 hours a week) and a part time job that I am starting soon. So, I am sure your question is, how do I have time to do all of this? Well, I have been a little worried too about how all this is going to fit into my schedule. So, I decided to sacrifice my hour lunch break at work to complete my daily lifts during the week and also decided to sacrifice some sleep and do my interval cardio on my spin bike at home, either before work or before bed. So, here it is... My new workout schedule & routine! I hope this helps you organize your workouts better and give you some insight on how you can split up the muscle groups you are training!

Mondays: I like to start of the week with LEGS! On Mondays I like to target my hamstrings and glutes. So, I am doing a lot of squats, deadlifts, step ups, hip thrusts etc.

Tuesdays: On Tuesdays I like to burn out my shoulders. I like to take a day to focus on strictly my shoulders because that is a trouble spot for me. I will also add in some cardio if there is time.

Wednesdays: BACK & BICEPS! I like to do a lot of lat work on this day. One thing most girls

misunderstand is that building your back isn't going to make you look manly or bulky. It will actually make your waist appear smaller. Having a wide back isn't a bad thing! SO WORK THOSE BACK MUSCLES!

Thursday: Back to my favorite day! LEGS! I like to throw a lot of complex movements into this day. So not only working my hamstrings and glutes, but burning out my quads as well. I like to keep my heart rate up on Thursdays.

Fridays: I like to use this day to work my muscles that need improvement. So my shoulders and biceps are usually my go to, and then I focus on some fat burning HIIT cardio.

Saturday: Just recently I started making a change in my routine. I am now training legs 3 times a week. So Saturdays is a light accessory leg day for me. I will take a full leg workout and basically cut it in half, so I am still getting a good pump and burn, but now the other half of my workout will be focused on Chest and Triceps.

So what about AB exercises?... I will throw ab exercises in between all my other exercises because I feel like it is a good way to get the heart rate up and burn some extra calories. So normally on an upper body day, I will add a couple sets in whenever!

What do I do for cardio?... I am a huge believer in HIIT. Mainly because you can burn so many calories in such a short period of time. I am definitely one that gets bored with steady state cardio, so I like to spice it up with sprints (30 seconds on and 30 seconds off). If you cant run, I would recommend jump roping, intervals on a spin bike, or intervals on the stair master.

How much cardio should I be doing?.. It all depends on your goals! When I am trying to shape my body and build my muscles I would only do cardio maybe 1-2 times a week 30 mins. If I am trying to lean out, I will add cardio in 3-4 times a week 30 mins.

Cardio or weight training first?.. Honestly, it depends on the person. I used to do cardio before my training sessions. But then I realized I didn't have as much strength or energy. So now, I warm up for 5-10 minutes before my workout, complete my training and then either do my cardio session right after, or if I don't have time, I will try to fit it in later in the day.


Any questions or want more tips, feel free to DM me on Instagram Bre_fitnesss

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