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What Christmas Means To Me

Merry Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of year, but it can also be a stressful time of year as well. There seems to be a lot of responsibilities, pressure, and it's definitely not easy on your bank account. Christmas is a time of year where traditions are followed, and everyone desires a white Christmas. To me, Christmas is a time of giving and seeing everyone smile.

Growing up, Christmas was always so hectic with my giant family, but that's what made it fun for me as a kid. I remember unwrapping so many presents one after another and being so excited for the littlest things. I've always been a person who is the happiest when I am giving someone a gift rather then receiving the gift, and to me that is what Christmas is all about.

Christmas is about love. Not only for ourselves and our families, but for the world. It is a time of giving, support and thanks. Christmas is a time to be grateful for everything that happened this year and be thankful for what this next year is going to bring. Its about helping to make someone else's day a little happier than it was before.


The first thing I think of when someone says Christmas is always family. I have always spent Christmas with my family and I hope that continues. We watch movies, old videos and really just enjoy spending time with each other.


Giving doesn't mean spoil everyone in your family and all of your friends. It doesn't mean to spend an enormous amount of money. Christmas is really about giving something back. Donate to a charity, lend a hand to your neighbor, give away something. It's about having the grace to accept others needs and help them.


It' simple. This is a time to put our differences aside and forgive & forget. Replace conflict with love.


The giving and festivities that occur on Christmas, it's all about love. Love your friends and family, your colleagues, people in need, strangers on the street, and even your enemies.


We often get so caught up in having the perfect Christmas, that we aren't aware how lucky we truly are. Despite all of the joy and laughter it is important to remember that not everyone is fortunate this Christmas.

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