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November Favorites

Happy December beautiful people!

November was an eventful and busy month for me. I completed a lot of projects at work right before I headed on vacation! I started off the month with a trip to Arizona for my cousin's wedding! 10 days spent in beautiful weather, eating amazing food and spending time with family! I've never been to Arizona and it was so gorgeous and I just wanted to stay as active as I could. It was very weird... Normally, when I travel diet is the last thing I really think about. I always want to try all the bad food and relax. Arizona was different, I wanted to try all the healthy options and run every morning by the beautiful golf courses. Don’t get me wrong, I did indulge every once in a while, but it wasn’t like I expected it to be. I would wake up so early because of the time change and run or workout & then I would go get an acai bowl from this delicious juice bar. I'm guilty of trying almost every flavor they have.. I’m not sure why I became so obsessed, but it just felt so refreshing and nutritious..& the best part, I didn’t get a stomach ache. We spent most of our days with family at the beautiful house my aunt rented. We would go site seeing, and check out all the different restaurants and shops around the area. There was definitely a lot to see. The first night we went to this Mexican restaurant, and I got a giant taco salad & a margarita of course. I was so amazed with the weather, because I was cold when it was 75 degrees. And when it was 90 degrees, I was actually able to lay in the sun without being drenched in sweat. One of my favorite places my brother and I visited was a coffee shop attached to a CrossFit gym. I got a pumpkin chai protein shake, and it was crazy good. We also found this homemade donut shop that had so many different flavors. My favorite was fruity pebbles. So, enough about food. I’m getting hungry thinking about it. We were there mainly for the wedding and I definitely wanted to look good and get all dressed up for my cousins wedding, since I rarely get the chance to get all dolled up. But, I was also on a budget. I bought a dress while shopping at the gigantic mall they have there and I did my own makeup and nails right in the condo we were renting. The dress I bought was on sale and I loved it. I bought fake nails from Walmart for $8 and put them on myself. They lasted over one week. I did my own makeup, eyelashes & hair. My favorite thing about all this, is not only did I save money, but I felt it was very relaxing for me, and I felt good because I got a lot of compliments. I ended my trip with some gorgeous site seeing of Sedona and the best salad pizza I ever tasted. Even though Arizona was so beautiful and I had such an amazing time, I was ready to get back to my home!

The weather change and traveling must have been the reason I got sick when I returned home. Three weeks of non stop coughing was not fun. Cold buster tea, chloraseptic cough drops & naps were my favorites this month.

Other then running in the beautiful weather in Arizona there are no workout favorites this month, because I went almost 3 weeks without working out because of my cold.

EVERYTHING about my visit to ARIZONA was my favorite thing about November!

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