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Stepping out of your comfort zone

This photo was taken in Santa Fe New Mexico. I was sent here for a nutrition conference. For someone who rarely travels this was huge for me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and traveled to New Mexico and back by myself. I ate in restaurants by myself, explored by myself and improvised all my workouts with the small gym and my hotel room. I would say this is the start of when I began to step out of my comfort zone a lot more.

Have you ever wanted to really do something, but didn't because you didn't feel comfortable and didn't want to take any risks? I know that I've been to scared to do something and then regret not stepping out of my comfort zone. I've recently been challenging myself to do things that I've always wanted to do, but haven't. I've been starting with baby steps and working my way up.

What I have realized is taking risks brings change. It is so easy to get stuck in routines, and we become so comfortable and then don't want to seek any change. Taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones allows us more room for growth and keeps life interesting. If we step out of our comfort zones, our fears will start to disappear. The more comfortable you get doing things you are afraid of, the more you will feel a great sense of personal growth and like you're conquering the world.

I often feel the feeling of regret when I turn down opportunities that would've been good for me. Regret is a hard feeling to ignore, and if you don't try new things or take chances there is always that "what if" or "I should have done that" in the back of your mind. The older I get, the more I realize the amount of opportunities there are to take advantage of. Ignoring those opportunities is not always the best idea. When you have the chance to face your fears and to do something exciting that will be good for you and help you grow... TAKE IT! Nothing feels worse then the feeling of regret.

When you take risks, you force yourself to adapt to situations and are forced to learn new things. The more you explore, the more you learn about yourself. This is a great way to increase your confidence and your self-love. Not only will you become confident, but others will notice that confidence and notice that you have stepped out of your comfort zone, and they may be inspired to do the same.

How I am trying to step out of my comfort zone?

My trip to New Mexico was such an interesting trip, because I was alone. For someone who rarely travels, this was a huge step for me because I am not familiar with flying or New Mexico. Once I got over those fears and focused on learning new information and enjoying this new place for a couple days, I realized how easy it all was. I began to explore places around my hotel as I got more comfortable. As well as made the effort to sit at a table with people I didn't know and talk to them about my tribe and what I do for work. Before you know it, I was doing things I never did before like had dinner in a restaurant by myself and relaxed in a hot tub alone. I realized how important me time was, and in order to get that time by myself I had to step out of my comfort zone. Though traveling by yourself might not be a big deal to some people, but it was for me, and I am happy to say I conquered that fear.

I've danced my entire life. Jazz, hip hop, ballet, tap, modern, pointe, lyrical, even zumba. I started out very young and have done many recitals, competitions and parades. But, it took me until my senior year of high school to really open up and show emotion, sass and outstanding energy on the stage. My senior year of dance I was terrified of doing a solo, but I did it and I am glad I did. I would say because of that moment I became more comfortable with performing, showing my personality and feeling more comfortable with my body. That recital always stands out in my head because I was really proud of myself for doing that. & ever since then I haven't been able to really perform like that.

Just recently I decided I wanted to expand my dance experience and audition for a dance team, something I have never done before. So, I didn't know what to expect. It took me about a good week to really decide if I was going to definitely tryout or not. I found that I kept doubting myself. "I haven't dance like this in four years, I don't know if I will make it" I would keep saying. But, then I just realized.. what is it going to hurt? if you don't make it, then it is just the experience that counts. The fact that I even took this opportunity to do something I have never done before and these dance professionals took their time to consider me should make me feel good about myself. I went for it, and even though it wasn't really for me and I didn't make it, I 100% don't regret auditioning, because it made me love dancing all over again and made me realize how much I miss being on stage.

The gym is a place I am very comfortable at. I feel like it is a place I can be myself while doing something I love. But lately, I've been feeling bored and my workouts feel less effective. As I have said before, change is hard for me, but I have been trying to implement new exercises that I have never done before, as well as train at different gyms, so I get a change of scenery and people. Just that small feeling of being uncomfortable because some machines are different at this gym compared to my gym, or walking into a gym where you don't know where the locker room or the free weight section is, allows me to feel like I am stepping out of my comfort zone. My workouts have been a lot more effective with new equipment and the different exercises I have been doing is allowing me to push my body to the limit.

I am a homebody, routine follower, and change avoider. If I can make the effort to step out of my comfort zone and take risks, so can you!

Face your fears

Take Risks

Accept Failure

& sometimes make a fool of yourself!

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