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5 ways to be motivated to stay active

1. Set your own personal goals:

Nothing will motivate you more than achieving a goal. If you use the phrase “I will" instead of “I want" you will be more motivated and determined to hit those goals. For example: “I will achieve my goal of losing 25 pounds this year." If you make setting your goals fun and an entertaining activity then it won't seem like it is so forced and somewhat of a chore. Switching up your activity and doing a variety of different exercise like, biking, swimming, dancing, running or walking will help keep you interested and you won't get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Or maybe you need a deadline in order to keep you motivated. In that case, you could train for an event like a 5k or a half marathon. Use those events for goal setting. When I first started out, I made sure to set small goals and then work my way up, that way I always had a goal in mind and I was always determined to hit those goals.

2. Make it a priority:

We often find it hard to make time for activity when we work 8+ hours every day during the week. With your goals in mind, there is always room and time for activity. Wake up and ask yourself, how do I want to feel? What do I have to do today? Make it a priority to stand up at your desk, or take a walk every 30 minutes to keep your legs moving. Make it a priority to plan your day around your workout, instead of planning your workout around your day. If your schedule is basically the same every day, scheduling a regular workout time will also keep you on track and committed to your goals.

3. Surround yourself with active people:

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are supportive of your goals is very important. This isn't a journey you necessarily have to take on your own. Get to know people who have the same interests as you and you will more likely make healthier choices and work harder towards your goals. People who don't understand or support your goals will make you have a negative outlook on your journey and it will make reaching your goals harder. Rally up a support system and strive for your goals together!

4. Put your workout clothes on:

I've just recently started using this method to help me get in the mindset of working out. Ever since I started an office job, I find by the end of the day after sitting at a computer and not really moving around as much as I would like, I am tired and the last thing I want to do it workout. About fifteen minutes before I leave work, I change into my gym clothes and put on a motivational podcast. I even do this on the weekends, I wake up and the first thing I do after brushing my teeth and washing my face, is put gym clothes on. In my mind, when your workout clothes are on, you are that much closer to working out. Sure you can wear workout clothes outside of the gym and still look trendy and be extremely comfortable. But, I feel workout clothes trigger something in my mind and makes me want to be active.

5. Reward yourself:

I love this tip... of course! Find something that you want to work for! Food, workout clothes, gym membership or even a spa day! Whatever it is you want, TREAT YO' SELF!!! Work hard every day and then reward yourself when you feel the time is right. You could even start a workout jar if that helps you stay motivated. Every time you complete a workout, place some cash in the jar, and at the end of the month hopefully you will have enough saved to treat yourself to something you have been wanting. For me.... it’s either workout clothes or an epic treat meal.

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