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Don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20

Everyone has their own journey; we are all so different and unique in our own way. Life is not supposed to be easy. Some of us might have bumps in the road or curve balls thrown at us that might stall our progress. But that doesn't mean we lose sight of our own wants and needs.

When it comes to our fitness journey, we often find ourselves comparing ourselves. When we are asked to think about our goal body, our goal weight, or even our own health goals, we immediately think of someone else we want to look like or be like. We take out our phones and show people a photo of someone who look up to and admire. Social media easily persuades us that all these thin and fit people have or had such an easy time getting the body they have. Though, in some cases that might be true, we overlook the things they might have struggled with to get to where they are. We all have our own difficulty circumstances to overcome, and we will all one day reach our goals. However, we need to set OUR own goals, not try to succeed off of someone else's goals.

It is completely natural to admire someone else's appearance, but there is a chance that being envious over someone who has ripped abs and the perfect butt can get in the way of our own goals.


Those ripped abs and perfect butt weren't created overnight, in a month, not even in a year. We need to give ourselves a pat on the back for how far we have come since the beginning. We all have our own beginning and starting point.

We all have varied body shapes and sizes and some genetics respond differently to certain lifestyles. Some people can live their life on low carb, high fat diets; others can live off high carb, low fat diet. That is why there are so many dieting techniques out there, because what works for me, might not work for you and vice versa. Some of us might even have the same goals, but that doesn't mean we need to work out or eat the same things every day in order to reach those goal.

Comparing yourself to others is like comparing apples to oranges. IF you are going to compare yourself, compare yourself to YOURSELF! Some people find comparing themselves to others very motivating, and it can be sometimes! Especially if you are looking at that person and using them as motivation for something you can achieve in the future. However, constantly comparing yourself and finding yourself not reaching your goals, or being unhappy with your life is where it gets frustrating and that habit needs to be broken. We all have great achievements in life. Look how far you have come in everything you've done, and use that as motivation.

If you compare yourself to the old you, your goals will be reach!

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